Now that Davut Bahadr has resigned, Altay will take the initiative to take on Goliath. He acts alone in Syria, conducting a significant operation. He attracted the arrows of Goliath’s Istanbul consul with this operation he carried out in Syria. Halit, on the other hand, is required to account to the consul for his nephew’s operation.
The “Medusa Plan” is a project that is waiting to be completed on the agenda of Goliath’s Istanbul consul. The council members in Lone Wolf Episode 21 will not refrain from taking any action that will affect Turkey in order to carry out their strategy. However, they are not yet aware that a team has sworn to put a stop to these activities.
After the operation in Syria, Altay, who now has a clearer perspective on the broader picture, chooses to press forward with his closest allies in Yalniz Kurt Episode 22. He challenges the heroic survivors of his teammates—whom he battled side by side in the Mount Akil operation—to take on Goliath. Their initial procedure is already ready and waiting for them.
In contrast, after Doan’s final manoeuvre with Altay, Halit Yldrm sacrificed him and took everything he owned through Mira. He looks after Ela while creating a new routine for himself. Doan has returned to his home country and must now start again from scratch.
There is one enemy that Altay always faces in this conflict: Meryem Johnson! Before he can make sense of everything, Altay needs to learn who this girl is. Mary is the same way. Altay Kurdolu is a man who has always been in front of him ever since he arrived in Istanbul.
Will Altay’s mission in Syria be successful? What is the Medusa Plan and what does Turkey face within its parameters? What will Altay and his team encounter during their initial mission? Will Doan seek retribution or will he withdraw into his corner in his brand-new life? Altay is curious to know whose daughter Meryem Johnson is. Will Altay have the ability to identify Meryem?