The operation on the Stinger missiles continues. We must have a strong hand in the tension between Turkey and Greece, which will move the stones. Our brother Yucel will contribute to this issue. The Supreme Consul You got to know our Brother Yucel. Now it’s time for him to get to know you too.
Hopefully. Rashid Hanzade. He is the strategic adviser of the consul. Its roots in the Ottoman Palace are our bond with history. In addition, it is our light and our forward-seeing eye in the tasks that the consul will undertake in the steps he will take. Mr. Karacabey compliments.
What matters is the path shown by the one who holds the light. We can only guess further. Without ignoring the margin of error, of course. Unfortunately, we are all human, Brother Rasheed. To err is in our essence. Do n’t we sit at the same table so that we can watch each other’s mistakes, Mr. Karacabey?
Muammar Serender. Also known as Muammer Hodja. It is the main actor of the real estate market in contact with the whole world. Yalniz Kurt Episode 23 in Urdu Subtitles He is also a highly skilled intellectual in charge of academia in Turkey. The state of the academy in Turkey is well known. Understand how gifted I am. Halit Yildirim.
The public recognized him as Beyazıt Yenişehir . It protects the Supreme Council in the legal field. He also takes great responsibility in execution. Yalniz Kurt Episode 23 in Urdu Subtitles Due to our origin, we had many common friends in the past. I wish the brotherhood of the consul Hopefully. Peyami Environmentalist. Media activities and public opinion management pass through his hands.
If the camera had not been invented, Peyami would have taken care of it for sure. Why? Out of a movie buff? No. Yalniz Kurt Episode 23 in Urdu Subtitles Out of my curiosity about secret lives. What happens behind closed doors changes the world, Yücel Director. you know. Five people you don’t know will be surprised.
But Peyami catches up. Ghani Written. The consul’s door to today’s world, to tomorrow and change. It follows online betting, gambling, digital money and the world economy moment by moment. Yalniz Kurt Episode 23 in Urdu Subtitles Money does not sleep. I don’t sleep either. In the order I set up, I run young and bright minds 24 hours a day.
In this new digital world, the vigilante snatches the money. Yes. Since the acquaintance chapter is over, good luck for the new term of the consul. Yalniz Kurt Episode 23 in Urdu Subtitles The Sèvres plan is a fate that was disrupted 100 years ago. It will come back to the table. Turkey cannot escape this.
We will be one step closer to Sevres when the Turkish army’s Stinger missiles are fired from Turkey to Greece . Yalniz Kurt Episode 23 in Urdu Subtitles What is the important issue, our boy? Altai. Your business is running hard. These are gruesome things, Ahmet. If there was an easy way, would he stay in Altay? Thanks.