Saturday, July 27, 2024

Who was HACI BAYRAM VELI Complete history

Haji Baktash Wali, a Muslim Sufi living in Anatolia and spreading Islam, has barely any insight into Baktash, as his beginnings are covered in secret (there is no particular data ever) and his memoir is by and large fictitious.

In the eleventh century, when the Seljuk armed forces started to overcome Anatolia, they brought to the new region substantially more than just fighters. The tremendous populace of the Oghuz and Koman clans in the Seljuk Empire chose the extraordinary fields and fields of Anatolia. Archeological revelations incorporate the remaining parts of Koman heroes, who lived and kicked the bucket on Anatolian soil, particularly in the space of ​​eastern Anatolia, in the wake of being recruited by the Byzantine Empire and the Georgian rulers. ۔ However, these Komans (hired fighters) were Christians with an otherworldly conviction, albeit a portion of the more up to date unbeliever customs of the eleventh and later hundreds of years were additionally Muslims.

Turkish militaries changed Byzantine Anatolia into Turkey, and a wide range of Turkish clans, including the Oghuz and Koman, were socially and socially changed. The change of Turkish clans from migrant to metropolitan, from oral custom to composed language, and from agreeable convictions to standard Islamic confidence.

Then again, the Turks additionally impacted Christian gatherings in Anatolia. In spite of the fact that there was no coercive change in Anatolia, Turkish strict gatherings, including the Sufi request, kept on battling to convince individuals to change over. In these Sufi declarations, as indicated by certain antiquarians and composed legends, “Horasan Ernlari” (mystery of Khorasan) assumed a significant part. Since the Sufis were more open minded than the legal advisers and Qadianis (researchers of government regulation who speculated and applied Sharia regulation), Christians felt more open to speaking with the previous. One of the principal Sufi heads of the early Turkish time frame in Anatolia (Hajji Baktash Wali) concerning whom we have almost no recorded data – in spite of the fact that his story is as yet alive 750 years after his demise, which Remembered in various occasions.

Fantasy versus Recorded Truth:
A lot of the thing is composed or said with regards to Haji Baktash Wali and the Baktashi confidence relies upon the amazing memoirs credited to them. Genuine chronicled information on their lives, thoughts and approaches is extremely restricted. The present Haji Baktash Wali’s profile is really gotten from the amazing custom. As indicated by legend, the Sufi scholar is an understudy of the Sufis of Khurasan. He established the Baktashi confidence and was instrumental in laying out the Janthari armed force during the early Ottoman time frame. This request is as yet followed among the Elvis, particularly in the space of ​​central Anatolia, remembering the area of Hacı Bektaş for the region of Nevşehir, which was named after him in the Republican time.

Haji Baktash Wali is viewed as quite possibly the main Sufi pioneer living in Anatolia, significantly more prominent than the huge names like Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi and Younis Emre, for his part in spreading Islam in the district. Furthermore acquired notoriety. He is generally seen embracing a deer and a lion together in an Asian modesty, which shows their significance, in light of the fact that these creatures are normally adversaries of one another.

Authentic records in certain regards go against the legendary story of the Muslim Sufi. For instance, the Baktashi confidence was established after his demise. “Baktashi” signifies “connected with Baktash” which matches the way that the Sufi request was subsequently settled and credited to him due to his significance and notoriety among the average folks of Anatolia. Truth be told, this standing was made and promoted by the Bektashi Order. During his lifetime, Haji Baktash Wali isn’t referenced in true history. Indeed, even Sufi history didn’t note him as a significant Sufi pioneer. To put it plainly, his fiction lived among individuals through oral practice. In this way the thing has been said with regards to Haji Baktash Wali mirrors the legendary creative mind of his allies rather than the authentic realities regarding him.

Legendary history:
Haji Baktash Wali’s unbelievable character presents him as an extraordinary being with eminent powers past existence. Haji Baktash Wali got the “secret” from Haji Ahmad Yaswi, the best Sufi head of Khurasan, who had never been to Anatolia himself and carried it to the recently vanquished land. Haji Baktash considers Wali a supernatural superpower, which made Anatolia strong as the place that is known for Islam.

Haji Baktash Wali is thought of as a “incongruous”, official, or “Conventional” part of against Islamic convictions. His lessons were a continuation of sacrilege, which put stock in self-fault to achieve an unadulterated and devout soul, and Qalandaria, which is additionally connected with irreverence since it includes betting, drinking and keeping a quiet demeanor. Offers an assortment of activities, for example, drug use. . In the present Turkey, “Qalandar” signifies an individual who is lenient and tolerating of individuals

And furthermore the person who carries on with a problematic life and is typically a heavy drinker. In spite of the fact that reviled by Islamic researchers and scorned by the overall population, the Qalandari lifestyle was valued in traditional Turkish verse.

It is additionally reputed that Haji Baktash Wali was a follower of Baba Ilyas of Khorasan, who was the head of the savage Turkmen uprising of 1240, known as Baba Rebellion in the Seljuk Empire. The uprising is at times blamed for supporting the Mongol intrusion of Anatolia, as it subverted Seljuk endeavors to hold Anatolia together. Whether or not Baba Elias drove the Mongol trespassers, rumors have spread far and wide suggesting that Haji Baktash Wali gained from them all that he expected to learn, despite the fact that he didn’t help his lord in the mobs and was amicable with the Seljuk Empire. Stay in contact

History doesn’t say a lot regarding Haji Baktash Wali. He isn’t referenced in any authority history, which shows that he needed impact in the regal circles. The early Turkish leaders of Anatolia gave no consideration to Haji Baktash Wali. He was one of the Sufis who went with beautiful convictions and ceremonies.

Haji Baktash Wali came to Anatolia from Khorasan in the thirteenth century as the head of the “Bektaşlı” clan, as he was an individual from the Oghuz clan in the thirteenth century, as per the student of history Ahmed Yasir Okak, a specialist on Sufi folklore in Anatolia. Were Asia had been attacked by the Mongols. Okak proceeds to guess that he ought to have joined the steadfastness request under the initiative of Baba Elias. Haji Baktash Wali’s sibling Mentish likewise assumed a part in Baba’s uprising and was killed during the fight with the Seljuk powers District) stayed in stowing away prior to returning.

Haji Baktash Valley lived in a little, calm town in Anatolia, yet he sent his men around the Seljuk terrains to accumulate individuals for his Sufi request and to change the Mongols over to Islam. As per antiquarians, he gave a non-Sunni rendition of Islam a wide range of convictions and customs. This assisted him with becoming one of the authentic heads of the Alawite group, despite the fact that Alawism arose in later hundreds of years. Its inconsistencies and agreement made it satisfactory and attractive in different circles, both among Muslims and Christians. Christians in Anatolia referred to him as “St. Charlambus” and adulated him.

Haji Baktash Wali passed on in 1271 in the town which is currently named after him. The city presently has his burial place. There are many spots named after him, including government schools, neighborhoods and roads.

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