Wednesday, September 11, 2024

AlpArslan Series, After Fahriye Evcen, Barş Arduç Searching for a new partner

Bars Arduc, a famous actor, is ready to become a father while enjoying the success of the Alparslan series. Announcing his wife’s pregnancy marks the happiest moment of his life for the actor, who has had an interesting era and signed a very lucrative job on the show.

As Gupse Zai’s birthday draws near, Bars Arduc also experiences the joys of fatherhood. In the Alparslan series, the actor had a very successful season, which ended with the 27th episode.

When it was decided to film the first two episodes of the second season, instead of going on vacation, he began to wait for the scenes for both episodes to be filmed. The troupe will reunite in the coming days and will disband after shooting two episodes.

The audience was very happy with Barsh Arduch’s duet with Fahrie Evgen. The emotional and exciting series by Akcha Hatun and Alparslan will no longer exist. However, the plot will feature a new female character who will play an important role in the Alparslan series.

The Uyanş Büyük Selçuklu series depicts the reign of Sultan Meliksha (The Great Seljuk Rise). Idem Selshk Onat is an actress who plays Seferie Hatun, Meliksha’s mother and wife of Sultan Alparslan in this series. Now we are looking for an actress to play the hero youth…

Also eagerly awaited is which famous actress will play this character, who will collaborate with Baras Arduc in the new season. The character Seferiye Hatun who will appear in the second season of this series will also fill the void of Fahriye Evcen.

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