Monday, September 16, 2024

Ashab e Kahf Episode 6 with Urdu Subtitles

Quran 18: 9-26 mentions the narrative of the Companions of the Cave. The exact number of hours of sleep has not been determined. The Qur’an also mentions that soon after the tragedy, individuals began to “carelessly guess” how many people were in the cave. According to the Qur’an, “My helper knows how many there were.” Similarly, after ensuring that people imagined that they “stayed in the cave 300 years and added nine,” the Qur’an declares that “God knows how long they stayed there.”

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The “Cave of the Dormouse” has been assigned to several localities, although none have been archaeologically established to be the true site. Since the initial versions of the tale spread from Ephesus, they have been linked to early Christian catacombs, which drew large crowds of pilgrims.
In 1926-1928, the Cave of the Dormouse was unearthed along with the ruins of the holy structure built over it on the slopes of Mount Pune (Mount Gulian) near Ephesus (near present-day Selcuk in Turkey). Several hundred graves from the fifth and sixth century have been discovered during excavations. Inscriptions honouring the Seven Sleeping Ones were discovered on the walls and in the tombs. Tourists can still visit this cave.

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Other putative Zoghba Cave locations in Turkey are Afshin and Tarsus. Afshin lies close to Arabisos, a historic Roman city visited by the Eastern Roman Emperor Justinian. The emperor brought marble niches from western Turkey as gifts to the location, which are still housed in the Eshab- Kehf Kulliye Mosque today. The site originally a Hittite temple that was converted into a Roman temple and then a church throughout the Roman and Byzantine periods. The Seljuks used the church as both a church and a mosque. It was turned into a mosque over time when the residents converted to Islam.

Ashab e Kahf Episode 2 has English and Urdu subtitles. You are watching Ashab e Kahf Season 1 Episode 2 in 1080p Ultra HD with English and Urdu Subtitles. From an Islamic perspective, the story of six aristocrats and one sheepman who become Christians and flee to a cave where they would sleep for 309 years.

Ashab e Kahf Episode 6 with Urdu Subtitles

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