The director of the future seasons of the television shows “Destan” and “Kurulus Osman” is Mehmet Bozdag, proprietor of Bozdag Film. In addition to the TV shows with August release dates, the production business is also working on three more projects.
“Ates Kuslari” on television is one of them. The sitcom, which will run on ATV, was created by former Destan authors Ayse Ferda Yilmaz and Sedef Nehir Erdem. The interviews with the actors of the series, whose story is presently being written, began at this point.
Mehmet Bozdag’s Next Three Projects Will Be Released Soon
The other endeavor is the “Ibn-i Sina” series. For TRT Digital, a 10-episode television series is being produced.
Hakan Arslan will hold the position and direct the series. The narrative will begin with Ibn Sina’s formative years.
The third endeavor of Bozdag Film is the movie “Our Efendi”. We’ll recount Muhammad’s (Alayhi Salatu WasSalam) life tale. The “Bozkir Aslani Celaleddin” series and a story about the Karabakh Victory will both be part of a TV series agreement that Bozdag Film will sign for Uzbekistan. The 13-part “Bozkir Aslani Celaleddin” series is now being filmed at full speed.