Monday, September 16, 2024

Who was Sultan Muhammad Alp Arsalan

The rise and rise of the Seljuks is a shining chapter in the history of Islam. He appeared on the page of history at a time when the tree of Iqbal of the Abbasid Caliphate had become disgusting.

The Seljuk caliphs became supporters of the Abbasids. He not only saved the Abbasid Caliphate from extinction, but once again coined the greatness of the Muslims in the world. Where they proved to be swordsmen in the arms of Islam, they also lit such candles of civilization and knowledge and art that the whole world was enlightened by them.

Umaid-ul-Mulk found the majority of Seljuk chiefs inclined towards Alp Arsalan, so he also included Alp Arsalan before Suleiman in the sermon.

On the other hand, on hearing the news of Tughral’s death, the nobles of Saghanian and Khatlan turned their backs on the rebellion. It was a critical time, but Alp Arsalan was also a very brave and resourceful ruler. He attacked Saghanian and Khatlan in such a stormy manner that the rebel amirs did not even get a chance to suffocate and they along with their supporters were killed. In the same way, he defeated Musa Beghuwali of Herat, but he expressed remorse and retained the governorship of Herat. Arriving at Damghan, Alp Arsalan sent a message to him to refrain from sedition and to take over the government of the province or region he liked, but Qatalmash rejected his message and demanded nothing less than a kingdom. Unwilling to accept, Alp Arsalan attacked him with full force and crushed his army. Killed in battle, he was the cousin of Alp Arsalan’s father. The Sultan was saddened by his death and wept bitterly. After this, Alp Arsalan entered the victorious Ray and deposed Suleiman and became the ruler of Muharram 9 AH 6 without the participation of the entire Seljuk Empire. Minister Ameed-ul-Mulk Kundri had already accepted his obedience, but Alp Arsalan had not forgotten the role he had played in enthroning Suleiman. He closed it and then killed him in Dhi Al-Hijjah 9 AH 4.

In the same year, in Jamadi-ul-Awli 9 AH, Alp Arsalan sent the daughter of Caliph Qaim Bamrallah (whom Sultan Tughral had married) back to Baghdad with great honor and respect, and sent an embassy to the Caliphate to obtain the kingdom from the Caliph. He was given speeches by Zia-ud-Din Az-Dawla and Al-Lud al-Muayyid by the caliph and a valuable khilaat was given to him.

In Rabi-ul-Awal 3/6, the Sultan launched a major invasion of Christian Armenia and Georgia. Prince Malik Shah and Minister Nizamul Mulk Tusi were also with him in this campaign.

After crossing the Urs River, the Sultan encamped at Nakhchoo and from there sent Prince Malik Shah and Minister Nizam-ul-Mulk Tusi (Anjaz) to conquer Georgia. Within a few days, they conquered several forts in a row. Unable to stop the stormy invasion of Seljuk forces by Hippocrates, the ruler of Anjaz, he soon surrendered and promised to pay a hefty annual tribute to the Sultan. Came into the circle of obedience.

The Sultan then recalled Prince Malik Shah and Nizam-ul-Mulk and marched on Christian Armenia with the whole army. In a short time, many Christian cities and forts collapsed in front of the Sultanate, and the Sultan advanced rapidly to Aal-e-Lal, an important city in Christian Armenia. Not only was it surrounded by a double wall, but it was surrounded by rivers on both sides and mountains on both sides, and was considered an impregnable place. The Sultan crossed the river and laid siege to the city, blocking all access to the besieged. The people of the city made a strange move. They sent two ambassadors to the Sultan and asked him to send his army with them so that the city could be handed over to him. The Sultan believed them and sent an army with them. As soon as the detachment entered the outer wall of the city, the people of the city surrounded it and martyred it.

الپ ارسلان (@Seljuqi) | Twitter

Among the Seljuk rulers, Sultan Tughral Beg, Sultan Alp Arsalan and his son Malik Shah have an everlasting reputation in history. In all three, Alp Arslan has the characteristic of strengthening the foundations of the Seljuk Empire founded by Sultan Tughral Beg to such an extent that the political and cultural influences of the Seljuk period were felt in the world for centuries.

Alp Arsalan took over after the death of his uncle Tughr Beg. Although there were some power struggles in the country, Alp Arsalan overcame these conflicts in time and took control of the situation.

Alp Arsalan, like his late uncle Tughral Beg, was a very resourceful, experienced leader and a sincere leader with a courageous personality. He adopted a very wise policy of expanding the country’s borders, which were under the control of the Seljuk Empire, first ensuring its stability and then advancing towards the outside world.

Sultan Alp Arsalan was restless for the spread of Islam in the name of Jihad for the sake of Allah and in his neighboring Christian empires. He has always sought to include Armenia and Rome in the Islamic pen.

Alp Arslan surveyed the situation in remote areas of his country for seven years before expanding the borders of his country and when he was satisfied with the law and order situation in those areas, he achieved his great goals.

Started planning to reach. They now had one goal in front of them. Conquering the Christian territories in the vicinity of the Seljuk Empire, overthrowing the Fatimid rule and uniting the entire Islamic world under the banner of the Abbasid Caliphs and Seljuk power.

Alp Arslan prepared a large army to carry out his plan and led this army to Armenia and Georgia. These areas were soon conquered by them. Alp Arslan advanced and invaded the northern part of Syria, Mardasi was the ruler in Aleppo.

The empire was founded in 1023 by Saleh bin Mardas. Alp Arsalan laid siege to the Mardasi Empire and forced its ruler, Mahmud bin Saleh bin Mardas, to accept the rule of the Abbasid Caliph instead of the Fatimid Caliph of Egypt and to obey the orders of this government.

Alp Arslan then sent a Turkish-born leader, Athens Ibn Oq Kharazmi, to invade southern Syria. It had the status of a door. Alp Arslan’s conquests set fire to the Roman emperor Dominus Diogenes, and he was determined to defend his empire at all costs. So for this purpose he sent his whole army into the war against the Seljuks.

There were many bloody battles between the Roman and Seljuk armies. The battle of Malazkard is the most important of all that took place in August 1070.

Ibn Kathir writes, “And in this battle the Roman emperor Dominus set out with armies like a mountain.

The ottoman empire and saljok rissat سلجوق ریاست | Ottoman empire, Empire,  Ottoman

These armies included soldiers from Rome, Russia, Britain, and many other countries. Domanos’ war preparations were also good. It was not a trivial matter. This incident broke the backs of the Romans.

Alp Arsalan was a pious and pious man. Victory benefited from both material and spiritual means. This glorious drum of Islam and the great general was martyred by a rebel. The rebel’s name was Yusuf Khawarizmi.

Your year of death is 1072. He was buried beside his father in the city of Maro and left Malik Shah as his successor.

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