Episode 68 of The Oath Soz Season 3 in Urdu We won’t, of course. I’ll manage to do it. My only goal is to halt Dragan before he causes harm to the squad. We must kill the man without using any firearms. What is it that you have in mind? I do have something, however it’s a little dangerous. Fetih. We’ve reached out to intelligence. You’ll run into them. 30 minutes later, near the village’s entrance, 15 kilometres north of Margaret Road. Two intelligence officers will be present. You will deliver the package to them. Sir, what is the password? The radio code will be sent to them. And the receiving officer will disclose the operation’s identity.
Sure, sir. We’re heading out. Give this guy some intelligence, please. General Erdem. No issues exist, right? No. Our winners captured Behram. I’m happy. Finally, he will receive the just punishment. Which files are those? results of a medical test. I underwent a general examination. Yes, everything is fine. Yes. Yes, I’m doing fine. Not to worry. Enjoy your day. also you. Ashiq, where are we? Sir, we are three kilometres distant. Yavuz Karasu, I’m tracking every move they make. Behram is about to be delivered by your soldiers. And if you don’t move quickly, I’ll make a sizable crater on that squad. And all you will see are dust clouds. Don’t. They won’t experience any harm.
Behram will be brought to you. You ought to. This is it, sir. Colonel Erdem made the following point to us. Nobody is present. Ten more minutes are left. We got here early. They would arrive soon. The specifics of the meeting place are known to you. Take the tissue with you as well. Good fortune. I’m grateful, sir. Trap. Thunderbolt They deliver the man to intelligence. Do you want all of them shot? Wait. Yavuz needs a strategy. He wouldn’t endanger his friends. Yes, we will eventually capture Behram from the special troops. We’re getting close. You seem so familiar. Are we acquainted? I don’t believe so, no. You wouldn’t travel alone. I assume the second man is in the vehicle.
He’s in the back seat, yes. Let’s also check out that young man. Meet him now. Were you going to offer the company AUVA? Were you going to offer the company AUVA? Please stop. Were you going to offer the company AUVA? Settle down. I told you you had a familiar look. Good work, sir. Salute your hands. Episode 63 of The Oath Soz Season 3 in Urdu I appreciate it, men. Thank you, men. Farewell. Punish that villain by taking him. Wait! the paperwork. Thanks. Your guy is going out. Should we fire? Wait. Sir. Behram has been delivered. Goodbye, Fetih. You may return. Sure, sir. How are you doing? Delivery is complete. Yavuz, I warned you.