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Who is Sheikh Ibn Al-Arabi?

Sheikh Ibn al-Arabi is one of the most important characters in the Turkish historical drama Drillers Ertugrul, in addition to Ertugrul Ghazi. The drama shows that on the way to Aleppo, on the way to Ertugrul, he meets Ibn al-Arabi and then the meeting turns into a relationship with Pierre Muridi. Shaykh Ibn al-Arabi is made his mentor by Ertugrul and Ibn al-Arabi is present in Ertugrul Ghazi who recognizes everyone.

Tughral Ghazi is always in trouble. If there is a problem, Ibn al-Arabi helps him spiritually. Allah Almighty puts in the heart of Ibn Al-Arabi that Ertugrul is in trouble and then the success of Shaykh Ibn Al-Arabi Ertugrul. He prays for deliverance from the hands of the enemy and suddenly some kind of Ertugrul is helped by which he manages to get out of the hands of the enemies and his enemies fail to overcome him.

In this special report from Millat Times, we will try to find out what history says about the relationship between the two. Is there any evidence in the historical events and bribes on the basis of which it can be said that the relationship between the two seen in the drama is correct or it has nothing to do with reality? Has been submitted. Is the covenant of Ibn al-Arabi and Ertugrul the same or different?

شیخ الا کبر محی الدین ابنِ عربی : ایک تعارفی مطالعہ - عامر سہیل - دانش

Shaykh Ibn al-Arabi is not the name of an ordinary person. He is a twelfth century genius and great philosopher, thinker and researcher. Shaykh Ibn al-Arabi is one of the few leading intellectuals, thinkers, philosophers and Sufis in the history of the Islamic world. Author of about 500 books. His most famous book is Al-Futuhat al-Mukkiyah which has 560 chapters and 4000 pages. Shaykh Ibn al-Arabi has been given the title of Shaykh al-Akbar by the Sufis and to this day no one else has been able to get this title.

Sheikh Ibn Al-Arabi’s full name is Mohi-ud-Din Muhammad Ibn Al-Arabi Al-Andalusi. Born in 1165 in the city of Murcia, Andalusia. His father was of Arab descent and had settled in Andalusia. It is said that you are descended from Hatim Tai. At the time of your birth, Andalusia was in a state of civil war and there was no stable government. The ruler of the province of Isabella in Andalusia was influenced by your father and was influenced by his visits to the court.

Like ordinary children, you were educated and stepped on the threshold of youth, but in the meantime something happened that changed your whole life. The incident is that there was a meeting. The era of alcohol was going on. Sheikh Ibn Al-Arabi was also trying to drink with a glass in his hand when suddenly a voice came to him. O Muhammad! Is that why you were born? Your job is not to drink alcohol and attend such gatherings.

ابن العربی کے کردار سے متاثر خاتون نے اسلام قبول کرلیا

After this incident, Ibn al-Arabi throws the jam in his hand and leaves. After this incident, their condition changes. He excels in Sufism, Fiqh and other sciences. They realize that Andalusia is not a suitable country for preaching and propagating the knowledge we have in our hearts, so they left and reached Morocco in 1194.

Here he meets Abu Muhammad Abdul Aziz bin Abu Bakr Al-Qureshi Al-Mahdavi and other scholars. In Morocco, Sheikh Ibn al-Arabi established a monastery and promoted Sufism. In a span of two years, it becomes a long circle. Sheikh Ibn Al-Arabi then returned to Andalusia and stayed here for a few years. In 1199, it was instilled in their hearts by Allah Almighty to tell My servants about the grace I have bestowed on you.

A few years later he reached Makkah in 1299 AD and stayed here for about two years. It was during this time that he began writing his book, Al-Futuhalat al-Makkiyah. From there they travel to Baghdad and Iraq. A few days later they arrive in Jerusalem and establish a circle of Sufism and science everywhere.

In Damascus, he meets Al-Mulk al-Zahir, the son of Sultan Salahuddin Ayubi, who values ​​him immensely. He is also highly esteemed by the grandson of Sultan Salahuddin Ayubi, Amir of Aleppo Abdul Aziz. Once he was accused of apostasy by some people and people tried to kill him but he could not succeed. He was rescued by the Abyssinian ruler of Egypt, Malik al-Adel.

In 1211, Shaykh Ibn al-Arabi traveled to Asia Minor and reached Konya, then the capital of the Seljuk Empire and a great city. Which you later gave to a beggar. Your arrival in Konya foreshadowed a revolution in Eastern mysticism. The source of which was your student and step son Sadruddin Qanooni, whose mother he married.

Sadruddin Qanooni, who later became one of the hallmarks of Sufism, was one of the close friends of Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi. He wrote a commentary on Ibn Arabi’s book Fusus al-Hakam, which is still considered the last word. The Seljuk Sultan Aladdin was one of his followers and held him in high esteem. In his later years, Shaykh Ibn al-Arabi came to Damascus. Sheikh Ibn Al-Arabi died here in 1240. Your tomb is in Damascus.

حالاتِ حاضرہ Archives - Page 18 of 23 - Aawaaz News

This is the period after 1210 in which Shaykh Ibn al-Arabi was residing in Konya and was spreading Sufism and thought and philosophy in Asia Minor. Meanwhile, Shaykh Ibn al-Arabi was constantly visiting Damascus, Aleppo, Mosul, Baghdad, Mecca and Jerusalem.

At the same time, Ertugrul’s activities on the land of Anna Tulia had also begun. At the time when Shaykh Ibn al-Arabi was making all these journeys, Ertugrul Ghazi, the chief of the Qai tribe, was also fighting the Crusaders and the Mongols. The date of birth of Ertugrul is 1190 while the date of birth of Ibn Al-Arabi is 1165. Ibn al-Arabi came from Andalusia after about 1200 AD. After 1210, the activities of Ertugrul Ghazi began and Sheikh Ibn Al-Arabi was also present in the Eastern countries at that time.

Therefore, the historical fact is that the time of Ibn al-Arabi and Ertugrul Ghazi is the same. Ibn al-‘Arabi died in 1240, and the period from about 1220 to 1240 belongs to the Shabab of Ertugrul, in which he shows the essence of his militant activities. He tries to unite the Muslims and dreams of a great Islamic empire. Sheikh Ibn Al-Arabi is in Konya on the days when Ertugrul Anna is in Tulia and on this basis it is possible for the two to meet frequently.

It is also seen in the drama that most of the way from Konya to Aleppo or Damascus, Sheikh Ibn Al-Arabi passes through the Qai tribe in Anna Tulia. Know the news of Ertugrul and give him advice.

From the first session of the dealers Ertugrul to about the fourth session, Ertugrul’s relationship with Ibn al-Arabi has been observed and this period is from 1215 to 1240. At that time, Ertugrul was young and Shaykh Ibn al-Arabi was weak. Therefore, it can be said with certainty that Shaykh Ibn al-Arabi met Ertugrul Ghazi.

Writer of the dealers Ertugrul Muhammad Bozdiq also claims that he has this history which proves that Ertugrul’s spiritual mentor and mentor was Sheikh Ibn Al-Arabi and always guided him. The two met and were trained to make Ertugrul righteous and to seek help from God Almighty in every difficulty. On this basis, this role has been given a prominent place in the drama and the interest of the audience is also very high in this role.

Undoubtedly, the role of Sheikh Ibn Al-Arabi in the drama Ertugrul is very important. In every difficult time, they urge to turn to Allah Almighty. They advise us to strengthen our faith in God Almighty and to seek help from Him alone.

Most of the answers are given directly from the Qur’an or from the Hadith or the words of the Companions. Ibn al-Arabi’s character makes the drama last for four months. The actor who has played this role is Usman Sargod. He is one of the most famous actors in Turkey and has acted in dozens of films and dramas.

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